Parents & Families

Parents on slavin lawn

Parents & Families

Welcome to the Providence College family!

We know that family support is an integral part of a student’s success. Information on this website is designed t​o keep you informed about Providence College and the college experience. I hope that it will serve as an on-going resource to help guide your student during the next four years.

Best Regards,

Jacqueline Kiernan MacKay
Director of the Parent & Family Program

Jacqueline MacKay

A Prayer for Parents and Guardians

graphic of stained glass window with providence college seal in the middle

Almighty and all-loving God, you have given me this wonderful and treasured child who is now growing into maturity. Guide us both as our lives are transformed.

Give me patience and compassion as my child grows in new ways and new directions. Help me not to be anxious or afraid.

Give my child strength and protection as new challenges, enticements, and struggles surface as they do around all college students. Help my child to know your grace and your truth.

Fill my child’s life with deep friendships and connections during these college years in order to form memories that will be cherished and life-stories that my family’s children will laugh at one day. Send me your Spirit that I may know your love and support as I discern my new role in my child’s life. Help me to see your Providence in this time of momentous and exciting transition.

Parent & Family Program

Slavin Center 104