Parent Bookshelf

The following books, which have been recommended by staff and/or parents, can help you to learn more about the college experience. Many of them focus on first year adjustment issues for both students and parents.

Don’t Tell Me What to Do, Just Send Money
by Helen E. Johnson and Christine Schelhas-Miller

Empty Nest…Full Heart: The Journey from Home to College
by Andrea Van Steenhouse

The iConnected Parent: Staying Close to Your Kids in College (and Beyond) While Letting them Grow up
by Barbara K. Hofer and Abigail Sullivan Moore

Let the Journey Begin: A Parent’s Monthly Guide to the College Experience*
by Jacqueline Kiernan MacKay and Wanda Johnson Ingram

Letting Go: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding the College Years, 5th Edition
by Karen Levin Coburn and Madge Lawrence Treeger

Making the Most of College—Students Speak their Minds
by Richard J. Light

Parents Guide to College and Careers: How to Help, Not Hover
by Barbara Cooke

Studying Smart—Time Management for College Students
by Diana Schart-Hunt and Pam Hait

You’re On Your Own (but I’m here if you need me): Mentoring Your Child During the College Years
by Marjorie Savage

*Available in the Providence College bookstore.